Gun blueprint maker Cody Wilson says "How can I build a project that can end American gun control?"
AUSTIN, Texas - A dispute over 3D-printed guns has transformed into a national legal debate.
Gun control advocates say its a dangerous way for criminals to get their hands on firearms that are easy to conceal and tough to detect.
A federal judge in Seattle is temporarily blocking the release of blueprints to make untraceable and undetectable 3D-printed guns.
A group of eight attorney generals sued to stop a Texas-based company, Defense Distributed, from making the designs available online.
Sunday, Fox-7 Austin talked to Cody Wilson, the founder of Defense Distributed about the legal battle over whether Americans should be able to print guns that would be unregulated and untraceable.
"How can I build a project that can end American gun control?" said Wilson.
Adding that he thinks it's "unquestionably" good for the future.
"I promise you that these lawmakers couldn't stand in front up you right now and explain to you what exactly it is that I'm doing. They couldn't explain what the technology is..they don't know you can make a gun they don't how you can even make a gun," said Wilson. "The real thing that I think gun control groups are mad about and state attorney generals are mad about is I share the plans for the most successful designs of the 20th century. The AR15 the 1911 these are medal guns they aren't undetectable. But what's important is that they are very affective guns. To have those blue prints online now till kingdom come says something about the possibility of gun control in the future."