Thousands of dead fish in the Seabrook area

Photos show thousands of dead fish floating in the Seabrook area.

Texas Parks and Wildlife says it's aware of multiple fish kills in the Seabrook area this summer including this most recent one.

The TPWD Kills and Spills Team has received reports of 14 fish kills in different locations along the Upper Coast since May 2018. They says those kills have all contained Menhaden or shad.

TPWD biologist believe these kills are naturally-occurring  as current water conditions are favorable for low dissolved oxygen. If there's not enough oxygen in the water, the fish can't breathe.

Texas Parks and Wildlife says menhaden, also known as shiner or shad, are often involved in fish kills because they are less tolerant to water quality issues.

For more information on fish kills and low dissolved oxygen events, click here.