Boy bullied at school, mom reaches out for help

Frank Somerville posted on Facebook about the heartbreaking story of a boy being bullied in an afterschool program.

”My son is in a hospital thinking his life is not worth living because 3 kids bullied him every day.”

This is what Brandy Noel posted on Facebook about her son. Look at that picture. Especially what it says: “Mom, they bully me so bad, I want to kill myself.” Brandy posted this picture earlier this month. She said she was at her breaking point.

Here’s what she wrote: 'This is my AJ. He is the sweetest, funniest, most loveable kid. He is my heart. Unfortunately, he has been (bullied) by 3 older boys at an after school program for quite some time. I've tried all I can to get it stopped but no one took it seriously. I've talked to the program director, the parents and even the kids. The bullying continued. I knew my son was depressed. I just didn't realize how bad it was. Then, my sweet boy just had enough & the depression & anger got to be too much for him & he acted out. He is now hospitalized and on suicide watch. I'm angry. I'm angry that no one took us seriously. I'm angry at the children’s parents for failing them & in return failing my child. I'm angry that these parents couldn’t build their kids up with confidence, so they could help others up, rather than making them so insecure they had to tear others down. I'm angry the adults in control did not put a stop to it. And most of all, I'm angry because I have no control over any of it. My son is in a hospital thinking his life is not worth living because 3 kids bullied him every day. The one thing that has cheered him up is me reading the texts his soccer team has sent me. Please share & comment to show him his life IS worth living. He is my heart & I just want him to know how much he is loved.'

---Brandy Noel

Thankfully there is some good news. Aj is now back home. And he and his mom have been overwhelmed by the support.

Stay strong AJ. Your life is DEFINITELY worth living.

As for bullies, I despise them. They make me sick.

%$#*&^# bullies!